Thursday, April 28, 2016

Morning SMS - Nusa Eagle Drone Trip

Today morning i got a sms from my mobile phone network operator “Ayo saksikan perjalanan drone Elang Nusa yang akan melintasi kotamu” (Let’s watch the Nusa Eagle drone trip that will cross your city). At once checked the news and the site, saw the route and it will pass in my city Balikpapan in the East Route.

Actually it is the program held by Telkomsel, an expedition called “Nusa Eagle” flying two large-sized drone with a wingspan of up to 2.4 meters will be flown at the same time, take the West Line (West Eagle) and the East Line (East Eagle) in the country Indonesia along 8500 km.

Here is the route of the drone :
Nusa Eagle
The Drone Route

If you want to see how beautiful Indonesia is, you can watch streaming video or checked the recorded video here The program ended till May 14th, 2016.

Sekian dulu pakai senyum :)

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